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My Journey continues...

HI Friends!  Let me reintroduce myself.  It's been several months since I have told my story.  And I have quite a few new followers who don't know who the heck I am!

Let me start with the truth!  I am a carb-oholic, a sugar addict, a convenience searcher, a fast food drive through kind of gal.  I want immediate results.  I want instant gratification. I don't WANT to have to do the work.  I want to eat everything I can when it is front of me because I have a fear that I won't get it again.  

Where does this stem from?  Growing up in a poor, large (14 members) family.  We made due with what we had, usually eating the same thing over and over and over...a slice of toast for breakfast sometimes with jelly, free school lunch, spaghetti noodles and jar sauce at least 4x week for dinner, boxed mashed potatoes the other days.  If treats were brought into the house on occasion, they NEVER lasted more than a minute, and if you weren't fast enough, you missed out.  AND who knew when we would be able to have another treat.  And here stems the deep-seeded belief that I need to eat all the treats, and I have a hard time passing anything up, even as an adult being financially capable of buying treats whenever I want.  For fear I won't get another chance.  

Friends, three years ago, I found my solution in these little color coded containers that told me what to eat and how much of that what to eat every day to become the healthiest version of myself.  And yesterday, I earned a certificate to help other women master these little containers too so that they can become their healthiest (and happiest) selves.  Three years ago, these containers helped me lose 30lbs in just a few short months.  I had muscle definition, I had energy, I stopped hiding, I became social, and I started going after my dreams.  Yes, all because of little color coded containers.  I am now an Ultimate Portion Fix Master Coach, and with this certificate, I plan to use it to give women freedom from and with their food.  

Food addiction sucks doesn't it?  I have struggled life long with food addiction, and I was always the thicker girl.  But friends, I have loved these little containers for three years.  And I won't lie and say I haven't slipped.  As a matter of fact, for the past 8 months, I have been off the portion wagon and it shows.  I now have 15 pounds to lose.  But I am re-educated, re-dedicated, armed, and ready!  And I want to help you ladies too! We can do this together.  I know the results are guaranteed.  I have seen this work for me for years.  

Sugar addiction GONE.  Blood sugar issues GONE.  extra weight, lack of energy, bloating, growing out of my clothes: GONE.  Confidence: YES!  Bravery: YES!  Happiness: YES!  Energy: YES! Positivity: YES!  Amazing yearly physicals: YES!!  All because the color coded containers tell me what to eat.  And it is so much food. My body gets the fuel it needs, so I don't feel hungry and the cravings are minimal.   Best of all, you do not have to give up any one food group.  You can eat fruit, carbs, fat, protein, and see results.  You can even enjoy your wine, pizza, and chocolate. I will just show you how to do it in a way that gets you results.  And you get to eat every 3 hours so that you don't get so ravenous that you reach for the junk without the will power to say no!  If you are reading this from my on Instagram, there is also a form below this link that you can fill out if you are interested in learning more about my program.  Can't wait to help you the way this program has helped me!  Happy Eating!!  ~Cat


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